Booking Policies
Booking a site
To book a site we need your full name, address, phone number, size of camper, what service you require, how many nights stay and a credit card to hold. Upon arrival you will stop at the office first and pay for site in full, then proceed to site. If you need to cancel your site for any reason or you are a no show you will be charged for one nights stay at the set rate provided upon booking. Any damages during your stay will be paid for before departure.
booking the Bunkhouse cabin
To book the Bunkhouse Cabin we need your full name, address, phone number, how many people, how many nights stay and a credit card to hold booking date. If you cancel your booking or are a no show you will be charged $50.00. Any damages will be paid for in full before departure, if damage costs are unknown at time of departure you will be charged a flat rate of 500.00 as a deductible, until full cost of damages are known and you will be billed accordingly. No pets allowed inside the Cabin.
booking the cabana
To book the cabana for a special event; we require full name, address, phone number, event name, number of days to rent, number of people at event, caterer info if any. Rates: $450.00 for weekend, $200.00 for the day, and $75.00 for day or evening rental. A credit card needs to be on file, any damages will be paid for before departure, if damage cost is unknown a flat rate of $500.00 as a deductible will be issued unit full cost of damages are known and you will be billed accordingly.